
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Travel memories

All this stuff I pictured here reminds me of some of recent beautiful travels... I wanna go somewhere nice again, but at this very moment I don't even have time to do this because of work, exams and sick cat ;( 

I hope that soon I will be able to go somewhere far away again so as to feed my travel monster. In the meantime, here are some pics of the stuff brought from my travels and then some pics of the places the stuff came from.

1. Cape Town

I wish I could be there now! So sunny and beautiful in the harbour! After a trip to Robben's Island, where Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners where kept, Me and my friend headed to a nearby shop. It was forbidden to take pics, but of course I did not notice that. The shop looked like this:

 And here are my souvenirs from that shop:

a) the most awesome pillow in the world

b) stuff for salads

c) some cool cheetah 

2. Greece

I miss Greece. And especially because as we went there for honeymoon on 2010, shortly after that my laptop broke and we lost ALL of the pics... Here are some that I managed to save elsewhere. 

Ah the island of Paros :)

And some souvenir from there too:

What is cool about Greece are cats. Cats everyone :) However some of them are homeless and unhappy. Fortunately these two seemed pretty content :)

 And this one:

And some more pic from Greece.I really like to take pictures of some details. These door handle is taken from one of the oldest Christian churches in the world (Athens). I think these birds are cool, or are these even birds?

Finally some old Greek art. Always classy :)

3. Munich 

I have been there only one day, but totally felt in love with it. Do not have any souvenirs from there (I only bought chocolates that were immediately consumed..) but have a lot of great pics. Will definitely come back to Munich!

As there were some cats, now it's time for rats ;)

There is nothing like a sunny day in Munich!

but shadow is appreciated too...
Here are some cool details that I managed to find on one of the main streets of Munich (note that I was there just before Oktoberfest!): 

a) an awesome colourful dress

b) lots of flowers. I just love the smell of flowers as you walk next to such a stand

c) some home decorations 

d) pretzel-earrings? lol


I hope you enjoyed this little trip with me. STAY TUNED!

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